A few months ago, my cell phone was stolen while I was on the bus. When it happened, I immediately began to pray. I wasn’t concerned about the phone itself; I knew that I would be able to get another. What felt devastating was that I had instantly lost my entire contact list – all of the girls that I had been meeting with and investing in were suddenly gone. There was one girl that stood out above all others in my mind: Margaret. I knew that Mae didn’t have her number and I wasn’t sure how I would find her again. We were supposed to meet to study the Bible that weekend, but we hadn’t set up a time or place, and I had no way to reach her.
So Mae and Priend and all of my friends joined me in asking the Lord to restore the phone. I thought maybe it would show up, or maybe I would run into Margaret on campus, or miraculously see her on the street. I didn’t write to you all about it because I felt confident that something would happen, and soon.
Weeks passed without sign of her. I began pleading with God that he would bring us together again and complete the work. I felt like the enemy was trying to interfere with His plans and I spent a lot of time claiming His love over her life. Then, finally, I just began praying that God would bring her home, even if I never saw her again. I asked that she would have a good day and see Him in a real way. I let go of my role in her life but continued asking for her heart, and held onto my hope.
Life went on. We continued investing in our other friends and living life. Then one day, Priend, some of Mae’s other friends and I spent the day decorating our apartment for a very special night. Jay-z, Mae’s at the time boyfriend and our city leader, was going to propose. (!) After we finished lighting all the candles and shut the door, with muffled giggles, we listened to them walk into the apartment, and I left to meet Rebekah for dinner.
As I sat in the restaurant, telling Rebekah about everything we did, I got a text message on my new phone. “Who is free fish? I haven’t heard from you in a long time. Happy New Year!” I looked at the message, confused, and wrote back. I explained that I’d lost my phone and asked who it was. When the response came back, I was dumbfounded. It was Margaret.
I immediately called her and told her everything that happened. Apparently, Margaret got a text message about free fish, in Asian, from my phone number. I don’t know how happened, but I know WHO made it happen. I felt so incredibly special, that on the night of Mae’s engagement, God would remind me of his love in this way. He is such a sweet Father. =)
Since then, we’ve gotten together and Mae and I even visited her in her hometown for the Spring Festival. She’s been reading The Bible and has been thinking a lot about Him. We talked to her about joining us for a Bible study and she agreed!
I know this update is a little longer, but thank you for letting me share this story with you. In my mind and heart, it’s truly a sign of his goodness and power. Anything is possible in his Kingdom!