we've gone dormant
In 2020, with less than 48 hours notice, “our country” closed its borders to foreigners. While one of our teams was already in-country and was able to miraculously stay and continue to minister there, those of us who were out of the country were unable to return, despite our best efforts. Since then, tourist, student, and dependent visas have not been available to our team to get back to the country we call “home” or to the people we feel called to reach.
For the past two years, we have been diligently seeking the Lord for guidance and faithfully asking Him to open the borders so we can get back in. In the meantime, those of us unable to get back to Asia have been putting our hand to the plow ministering to international students in the US and mobilizing young adults to reach the unreached.
While we have had a season of fruitful ministry in the States, that is not the long-term vision of our ministry. So as “our country’s” borders continue to remain closed, we feel like the Lord is leading us to make a decision about the future. As we have sought the Lord, He has been clearly leading many among us to step into new ministries and new fields. As we’ve brought this before the Lord corporately, we feel that this has been His way of clearly guiding us into the official decision that at the end of July 2022, Campus Target will go organizationally dormant.
Going dormant does not mean that things are being permanently disbanded, but rather that the organizational structure and resources are being kept ready in case God wants CT to operate again when “our country’s” borders reopen. Going dormant also does not mean that CT will certainly restart if “our country” reopens, but it means we are setting things in an open posture so that CT can reopen if God wants to do that at that time.
We feel sadness in this ending of a season, but we feel God’s peace and clear guidance in it as well. We also feel great joy as CT workers are already beginning to prepare to reach unreached peoples in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Morocco, Thailand, Malaysia and other places. May God ignite new works in these nations.
Thank you for standing with us to see the university students of Asia transformed by the gospel and multiplying churches ignited.

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This worker’s funds are handled by Elim Fellowship. If you have any questions about starting or stopping donations, please contact contributions@elimfellowship.org.
Make checks payable to Elim Fellowship, and mail to:
Elim Fellowship
Attn: Contributions
1703 Dalton Rd
Lima, NY 14485
Please write “Preferred for Missionary Name’s ministry” on a note or the memo line.
This worker’s funds are handled by Target Ministries. If you have any questions about starting or stopping donations, please contact donations@campustarget.org.
Make checks payable to Target Ministries, and mail to:
Target Ministries
PO Box 356
Lima, NY 14485
Please write “Preferred for Missionary Name’s ministry” on a note or the memo line.
*Credit and debit card donations incur processing fees of up to 2.9%. Bank transfers have a 0% fee, which results in more of your donation going to its intended destination.
All donations are subject to the receiving ministry’s financial policies.
Give to the
CT Reserves
The CT Reserves exists to continue supporting the work we started in Asia through prayer and financial giving
All donations are subject to the receiving ministry’s financial policies.