10,000 hours of prayer. That’s the goal we set out to accomplish last May. And guess what?! We did it! This past year all of us in Campus Target collectively prayed for over 10,000 hours. There were definitely times when we didn’t think we would reach our goal. While we set a lofty goal, what we really wanted to do was pray like we have never prayed before. This was our motto over this past year. And I know you were also joining me in prayer to see lives changed in Asia. So thank you for your part in all of this!

Since last May I have been able to share some stories with you about how prayers have been answered. I know for myself personally that my prayer life has improved and increased. I became more intentional with my time with the Lord and He was faithful to honor that.

As a group we directed our prayers toward many things throughout the year, but there was one goal in particular that was on our hearts. We wanted to see 40+Asian college students regularly attending a Bible study (we call them training groups) to grow in their faith. As our year of praying 10,000 hours as a group came to a close, we reached that goal too! God is so faithful. And the number of students in training groups is still increasing.

Thank you again for your part in praying during this past year. Prayer definitely has the power to change things.