I’m so excited to tell you how God has been moving in the “X”. As I’m writing this I have tears of utter joy for how God has been moving. December has come and gone in a blink of an eye and during that month we had some of the best Christmas parties. In two, 3-hour long parties over 60 people heard the Gospel, some of them for the first time. And in the matter of those two parties we had 7 people come into the family and found out that 2 of our friends were already in the family. How insanely amazing is our God? The broken-hearted, the lost, the lonely, the hopeless, the wanderers, they are finding their way home to Father. They are being reunited with the one who loves their souls.

I wanted to take this time to say THANK YOU! Yes, I am here and God is crashing into the hearts of my friends. But none of this would have been possible without all of your support. When I begin to feel the heaviness of being away from home, God reminds me of your prayers. He reminds me of the power of His love. I feel all of your love and prayers daily. I know each one of your prayers has impacted my year, my friends, and this experience. You all are amazing! I wanted to wish you a late, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for partnering with me and seeing life change. Thank you for trusting in our God and His heart for His children. Thank you for choosing to trust Him with your finances. Thank you for investing your time in praying, praying for this nation. Thank you for being lights in your homes, jobs, and cities. I pray for you all often, that you would be letting God give you boldness to share His love with those around you (2 Tim 1:7). You all are truly an inspiration to me, pushing me to dig deeper and seek Him harder.