Your fortune: Jesus lives and He loves you so much!

The manager of the local buffet read these words I had written on the receipt, and smiling widely, thanked me and said she would keep it as a souvenir. I had just had a great time talking with three of the Asian workers in their own language, including one young man, Tang Jie, who said he’s a Christian! Thanks to our good brother Curt, who had established relationship with the manager and responded to the Lord’s prompting for us to have lunch there, Tang says he will come to worship tomorrow and all three seemed interested in the young adult group I attend! It was a divine appointment, characterized by hospitality, food (they served us two specially prepared dishes for free!), and conversation that left me saying to myself, “Why haven’t I been in here more often?!”

Proverbs 16:9 tells us that though we may plan the activities of our days, we need to be sensitive and obedient to the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit. God DOES have good plans for each of us every single day, but we must make our feet go where He tells us to go, our mouths say what He gives us to say. . . . and we have the best family ever to encourage us, support us, love us and share it all with!


  • Thanks Jesus for using a simple lunch meeting to rekindle my heart for the Asian peopleand reminding me to not get so busy that I miss what’s right under my nose!
  • Our “white-belts” (first-year workers) have returned safely after an awesomely blessed year! Several are returning long-term 😉
  • I’m another few steps closer to being funded and prepared to return to Asia in August.


  • That He and His kingdom be first in my life – and in your life!
  • That the new believers and groups we have established in Asia will flourish, with plenty of bread of life and living water to make them grow and multiply.
  • Unity in the One Church.
  • The upcoming appointment of many Asian government officials. (I read recently that there are plans to eradicate all house churches within 10 years).
  • That all the workers at the buffet would come to salvation through Jesus.

Freedom in Christ,


P.S. Ive never eaten a fortune cookie in Asia. 😛