Have you ever worked really hard at something, but not necessarily felt like you were making any progress? Maybe it was losing weight, learning a new instrument, a thesis, or a project at work or on your house……

That’s how I’ve been feeling about this language recently, and there have been many days when I feel discouraged and want to give up (like last week when one of my teachers told me, “Your reading really isn’t fluent at all!”)  Yet the Lord has been faithful to shine His light and truth in on occasion and remind me of just how far I’ve come. Like last night when, after a great fellowship service with our local group called Omega, I was talking with an awesome Asian believer named Peter. At one point he asked me if I could speak any other languages besides English and the language I’m currently learning and .. . . . . . .. .WAIT. What?! He was implying that I spoke this language I’m learning!!! Hallelujah! It brings tears to my eyes even as I write this to realize that yes, it IS happening. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a looooonnnnngggg way to go, but I’m also pausing to give thanks for where I am right now.

If we’re not careful to remember where we started and to give thanks for every inch we creep closer to our goal, our hope and faith can give way to doubt, resentment, self-pity, and all sorts of other garbage. I encourage all of you to ask the Lord to shed light on some situation in your life that He’s helped or helping you overcome, and praise Him for it!

I’m also excited to be going to another city – the place where CT was started! I haven’t yet been there, and God spoke to me while in prayer in February that I am supposed to go and meet a believer named Karen who is very involved in the arts scene (she wrote her graduate thesis on Christian Arts in this country!!!) I sense He’s beginning to link up a network of people for me to partner with and who will impact this country’s culture in a big way.

Thanks so much for your constant prayers and support,
