Ni Hao!!!! God knows just how to speak to His children. This past weekend He spoke to two of my brand new sisters in an incredible way…. Merah and I met with a friend named Catherine and her roommate, Younger. Over a cup of coffee and some scrumptious butter cookies, Catherine and Younger opened their hearts and said yes to starting a relationship with God!!!!!

After doing the salvation prayer, we like to give our friends the opportunity to talk with God in their native language. I especially love this part when our Asian friends come into the family because it allows them to truly relax in the moment and not have to worry the quality of their English.

As Merah and I sit there, watching them with eyes closed and lips speaking softly, with the biggest smile on her face, Younger says, “I see the sun shining!” My thoughts are racing as I realized that Holy Spirit was showing her something! Suddenly, Catherine says, “Yes, I see a big mountain, and it is beautiful and amazing, and it is behind me, I can lean on it.” She leans back in her seat with a sigh and says, “I think I can lean on God.”

Amazed, Merah and I look at each other with the goofiest looks, thinking, ‘AH GOD IS SO COOL.’ We asked her how it made her feel and she said, “safe.” I turn to Younger to find out the rest of what she saw. She said, “I saw the sun shining and underneath it, a still ocean.” I asked her how that made her feel and what she thinks about it. She said, “I think it make me feel very calm and have peace.”

God speaks to His children, in many different ways, always speaking to us in a way that appeals to our hearts. In that moment, He revealed His character to our new sisters in a way that assured them, “I am safe, I provide true peace, I love you, and you are special to me.”