I want to tell you a story… the problem is, I can’t decide which one!

Do I tell you about the young woman who was battling with suicidal thoughts last week but has since been radically transformed by the gospel and is plugged into a small group? Or should I tell you about my teammate who has been praying for the breakdance subculture in Asia for the past 7 years and was just connected with dozens of breakdancers who have decided to follow God but have no one to disciple them? Or how about the text messages I received tonight filled with taco emojis as two friends decided to surrender their lives to God? Or what about that time our Asian friend Debbie led her friend into a personal relationship with God?

If He can do all this in just a couple weeks, then I can’t wait to see what he does in the 2 weeks left before the 9-month team heads home!