I sat there and listened as David, a young man who gave his life to the Lord my first year in Asia, shared his testimony. Then I chimed in and shared how God has changed my life. Rose, another Asian disciple, shared how God has taught her the power of forgiveness. Enoch, my teammate, started telling The Story. David tagged in and shared the next part before handing Rose the proverbial mic so she could explain how we can have a relationship with The Creator. Deborah, spoke up, “I really want that!” Then Orange (sometimes they pick silly English names haha) said she was ready too! On Saturday night, two new sisters joined the family! And it doesn’t stop there! On Thursday, Enoch and I are going to meet with Deborah, her boyfriend Damon, and Orange to start training and discipling them! Last update I asked you to pray for 1-3 new people to join a small group in the next 5 weeks… well, just 3 weeks later and it happened! The church is growing, and YOU are a part of it!