Weldon stood confidently at the front of the room. “A month ago, I thought I was just another Christian, I didn’t think there was any way that God could use me. But now I believe that God has called me, he planned for me to graduate and return to my Muslim region of Asia, and He wants to use me to plant a church there!”
We had an amazing retreat equipping Weldon and 6 other young people to be sent out to start simple churches as they graduate from college. Thank you so much for praying for us!
In one month Weldon and six other young people are being sent out by our churches. Three (Weldon, Grace, and Red) will be returning to their hometowns with a vision to share the Gospel and start simple churches in those cities. Two (Simon and Lili) will be moving to other sections of the cities where we currently have churches with a vision to start new locations for their local church. One (Ping) will be moving to Angola (in Africa) for a teaching job and is asking God to start a simple church in this foreign nation through her testimony. One (Climbing) will spend the next few months traveling among a remote unreached people group high up in the mountains of his home province where we have recently discovered what we believe to be the first few Christians in the history of this people group.