As I reflect on my year as a 26-year-old, there is one word that I think encompasses the whole year: Growth.

I’ve watched as God has taken me on a journey, transforming my heart and showing me my identity found only in Him. He showed me how to lean on Him; to not be swept by the waves that would come, but to be firmly planted on Him and His Word. I definitely was not perfect, and believe me when I say, I made many, many mistakes. But when I look at my last year, despite all the growing pains I felt and the moments when it felt like everything could have fallen apart at any moment, I’m encouraged because He did a work in me. He grew me. And even more, I rejoice because He’s not finished with me yet!

These last 26 years have been quite an adventure. If you had asked me 10 years ago what I would be doing at this age, I never thought I’d say that I’d be serving the Lord overseas. And yet, here I am. He’s so GOOD and FAITHFUL. He takes our wildest dreams and makes them even wilder!

And quite frankly, there’s no place I would rather be than living a wild life with Him by my side!