This is a story about a man named Jack.

The day I met Jack, I was out to coffee with my friend, Holli. Suddenly, this man walked in asking for Holli’s husband, Ryan. What started as a simple visit became a very obvious divine appointment. Jack, an Asian man, was now sitting at our table. He opened up about his life and how he had once said “yes” to God and had even been baptized. But after being diagnosed with a rare disease, he had turned to idols. Moved with compassion, Holli and I asked God to heal him. We then began to share the Gospel with Jack; reminding him that it’s more than a story, but that God is truly alive and wants a relationship with him.

Although Jack did not say ‘yes’ to God in that moment, I received a message from him later that night asking if he could go to church with me, Holli, and Ryan!

Our job is to faithfully sow and God’s is to move on hearts!