The new team on the field is killing it. Close to 30 people, in a little over a month, have come into the family. I am deeply encouraged to see what God is doing and how He is using this team to reach the lost. Stories are pouring in about how He is moving and how lives are being changed for eternity. The enemy doesn’t like that much and the attacks on the team have been very real and very challenging. Would you pray for them?

One thing I continue to learn as I press into God is how much I fall short. Often I think I’m an all-star and then I get a little older and a little wiser and I realize maybe I’m not as much of an all-star as I thought haha. Along with that thought has come a deeper understanding of the Gospel and how sweet it really is. I think the more we understand how much we fall short the sweeter the Gospel becomes. While I was still a sinner God died for me, loved me, cared for me, wanted me, and above all, thought I was worth it. Often I hear people say something like, “Well yeah that’s bad or worse than this sin or that.” All that does is confirm to the person that they are an especially messed up sinner. However, to say one thing is worse than another is such a disgrace to the Gospel. Some sin has more immediate consequences but before the righteous standard of God, we all fall so short. I think we all, including myself, forget that often. This can be a subtle attack of the enemy to get us to elevate ourselves above others, to distance ourselves and say we are better. Don’t forget the grace shown to you and remember to show others the same.

Things are moving forward and I am hoping to fly here sooner rather than later! Things are coming together. I will keep you posted on a tentative fly date as soon as I know. Lately, I have been raising support and working on a side project in the office. As I continue to move forward in what God is calling me to I feel that attack coming on. I definitely felt your prayers as I reached out the other week. I was deeply encouraged by the response.