Ever since the leaders of Campus Target first identified core values years ago, we’ve said that prayer is a key to breakthrough in Asia. We’re still learning how to make this more a part of who we are. Recently in X town our workers had a 24-hour period where they prayed and fasted. It was a great time for our team to worship Jesus and ask Him to move in our friends’ lives. Note the result: the team gathers in prayer, and the next day 5 students decide to give their lives to Christ! What a great Christmas gift for everyone involved!
One of our first-year workers organized the Christmas party where these students made their decisions. I loved reading her response to that night:
“After walking them all to the bus stop, Jazmin [another first-year CT member] and I, a bit weepy ourselves, gave all glory to God for faithfully coming through on promises we had been praying into for the past few weeks – boldness & confidence in sharing, unity in our partnership, breakthrough in salvations, sincere connection & fun in our ministry, and the presence of the Holy Spirit.”
I love her recognition that God did it all, from the CTers’ unity to the effectiveness of the Gospel message. It’s not about her, but Him!