A few days vacation after finishing our first year at an Asian University (Halelujah!), I took a quick trip to a province to our south with my German bro Jeremiah, and then I started more language study 3 days/wk with a local brother who is a pastor. Another 3 days/wk, I’m doing self-study including language, history, and calligraphy, then Sundays we have the weekly fellowship where I’ve been helping with the worship, usually on a hand drum, which is a blast! During free time, I’m trying to spend as much time as possible with local friends — yesterday we went to a local park and had a great day of singing, painting, frisbee, prayer, and feasting on PB&Js ; ))  The Lord continues to move in special ways in our midst, with new friends showing interest in the Gospel and attending services every week. . . .

Here are a few things you can ask for from the One who is able to do more than we could EVER ask:

***New friend Dongshan – met him at church on Sun and found out he’s not saved yet, but seems very close. The Lord really put him on my heart, and yesterday we got to talk a lot and then go to the Wed service to worship and hear the Word (which my teacher Thomas shared with passion and much insight about another Thomas who wouldn’t believe without “seeing” the nail holes).  I sensed the Holy Spirit speaking directly to Dongshan, who said he wants to think about and understand more before giving his life back to Christ.

  A few days ago, I was moved to ask specifically for a salvation this week, and feel like it could be Dongshan.

***Testimony – I’m preparing my personal testimony to share in two weeks at the Wed service, which usually draws about 40 local and foreigners. This is an amazing opportunity and will be my first time sharing formally with a group in the local language!   Pray that Dad would speak through me and would give me wisdom to know what to share, fluency in speaking, and that it would be fruitful for His purposes.

***Autumn in H-town – To renew our VISAs, we will either need to attend a private language school here, or attend the nearby university for another semester; please ask for wisdom in this decision — I’m asking for basic fluency by Dec. of this year!  I will also need to find a new place to live, so please ask that the Lord would open up the perfect place that is within my budget. Please also pray that God would continue to provide for me financially, as He always has.

PPRRAAIISSE ++++++  the girls’ landlord agreed that they can stay another half year after initially saying no. Total divine favor!

You are amazing – He made you that way!
