Life has a funny way of surprising you sometimes. When I first came to H-town nearly a year ago, I knew that my purpose was language-study. I planned to go to class, study hard and move on to whatever God had for me next. I never thought that I would become friends with my classmates-students of all ages from all around the world. And I especially never thought God would use me to touch their lives in powerful ways.
One of the best friends I have made this year is Kinga. She is from Hungary. We got to know each other a little the first semester, but it was definitely after we started the second semester that we became close. I have had a few chances to share with her about what I believe and they have always come naturally, never forced, just a result of sharing life together. But last night God gave me an amazing opportunity to share with her in a powerful way my relationship with Him.

The two of us, along with one of our close Korean friends were standing on the roof of her dorm watching the sun set and God really pressed on my heart to go deeper with them. It was really a moving time in which we all shared tears, hugs, and more importantly I got to share the love of the Father with them. During that time Kinga really opened up about her past and how she never believed in God before coming to Asia. But as she looked back on her year in H-town, she realized that one of the most important things she received from this experience was the realization that God is real.

Today as we met for at the school I gave her my English Bible and marked a few of my favorite parts for her to read. Even though she hasn’t made a decision yet, I know that her heart is searching and seeking after Him and I am so blessed that God allowed me to be a part of her growing closer to Him.

As I reflect on my year, there are times when I question: “was it worth it?” The struggle of moving to a new city, the stress of studying, the pain of being refined, was it all worth it? Standing on the roof last night, I finally knew without a doubt, that it was worth it all.