***Our sister Gabriella’s small group went to a nearby city to share the gospel with college students there and the report is amazing — 16 young local people accepted Christ as Saviour!!! (another 80 or so heard about Jesus, many for the 1st time;)
***There is a group of Americans visiting the Missionaries at our local fellowship, and we have gotten to be a part of many great activities with them, like handing out tracts and invites to church services, children’s activities in the apt. complex parks, and worship services. Please be lifting them up for continued protection and travel mercies as they leave soon.
***Language study is going well – the Lord has us right where He wants us, and I have made noticeable progress in the last month. I’m preparing to preach for the first time coming up soon! It will be for about 10 minutes on what being made in the “image of God” means (Col. 1). Please ask for Him to bless this endeavor and use it for His glory!
***We’re hosting a Prayer/Worship night this week. Besides the obvious that every time we gather together in the Lord’s presence and seek Him, good things happen, we are also extremely excited for many of our friends to experience this kind of event. Many of them have never fasted, prayed for three hours in a row, or even prayed out loud before, and we expect God to capture hearts in a new way and show His intimate presence extravagantly on this night. Please join us in crying out for His kingdom to come, His will done……
Through and for Christ,