I have a confession to make… I went on a western food bender the last few days! Ha-ha, I took a break from all the Asian food. I’ve eaten cheeseburgers and fries. In addition, I had McDonalds!
Well, a friend got Dublin, Atlas, and I to do a dance show intro for some government show. They paid us to beat on some conga drums while I break danced! It was also a friend’s birthday so… since I had some extra money I decided to get some western food
this week! It was soooo great! We went skating again to the rink and I was like a celebrity; all the guys were lined up when I first
got there. They were asking to breakdance and skate with them. We all got in free! We bought our friend a 7 ft stuffed teddy bear as
a funny joke for his birthday. Every one said they should gut the teddy out and put me inside as a life-size puppet.
Most of my friends went to their hometowns this weekend, but I got to meet some new friends! Their English is great too! It’s been
exciting since we’ve started Bible studies. One of our friends especially has grown in this last few weeks. You can see the change, I ask that you think of him because this week he may make the decision to join the family. Wouldn’t that be awesome!? I miss
everyone so much but I can truly say that where I am is where my Father has called me to be!