It’s really cool how God works. My roommate and I were just ridding our bikes through campus and my roommate was talking to God. He felt God wanted us to go to this sports area that we don’t go to very often. My friend says to God, “I’ll stop biking whenever you tell me too.” Little did he know that I really had to use the bathroom so I said,”let’s stop here, so I can go to the bathroom.” (God can even use a bathroom break) That spot happened to be right next to the volleyball court where many students were playing for class. My roommate said to God, “God, if you want me to meet one of these students then have the class end.” A few minutes after I returned from the bathroom the class ended. (Confirmation) We were able to meet, play volleyball, eat dinner, and share the good news with 8 students. All of them were super open to talking about God and Jesus, but they need a personal experience. We are meeting with them tomorrow, hopefully to talk about God some more. Pray for them to encounter God both now and while we are talking with them.

Rangey had a crazy experience! It was completely an answer to prayer. It was late one night and Rangey was heading to the bathroom near his dorm room. In the bathroom was a drunk, Arabic student. He grabbed Rangey, and demanded to know Rangey’s room number. Rangey did not say a word. The kid who was much bigger than Rangey began to push him around. At one point he threw Rangey to the ground. (The first words out of Rangey’s mouth amaze me so much) There conversation goes like this:

Rangey: “Do you have any beliefs?”

(Who would ever ask that question while they are getting beat up?)

Arab student: “Islam.”

Rangey: “If you believe is Islam then why are you doing this to me?
Arab Student: “Mumbling…I am just looking for my friend. I can’t find my friend. Why do you even care what I believe? What do you believe?”

(The Arab student is standing over Rangey through most of this conversation)

Rangey: I believe in Jesus.

(Without saying another word the student walked away)

Rangey told me this story when we had our weekly bible study. He says that he still is not 100% in. I think he is struggling with the idea of God being God over his life. He wants to have a relationship with God and be a part of all the things that God has to offer but there is still something holding him back. Continue to pray for Rangey. Pray are being answered and he is so so close.