Well, I’m writing to you today from a little town in the Rochester area of New York called, Lima. I’m here to receive some training and preparation for going to back to Asia. I’ll be here until the end of August.

I had an interesting journey here, however. The drive here is about 5 1/2 hours long. Throughout the whole drive, there would be 15-20 bursts of extreme downpours, the kind where you can barely see in front of you. Now let me tell you, I hate driving in the rain. I couldn’t help thinking during my drive, WHY LORD?! Why do I have to drive through these scary storms??????? Why can’t you just make my ride nice and pleasant?????!!!

As the rain started to let up, there would be these open spaces in the massive storm clouds above; a small window of light shining through the otherwise gloomy atmosphere. And in those moments is when I was reminded of God’s sovereignty the most. We could be going through some massive torrential storm in our lives, but there will always be moments of clarity where He will allow His light to shine through and guide the way.

As I’m launching into a month of intense training, I’m taking that with me. And, I offer it to you for whatever you’re experiencing as well. Know that, in anything you face, there will be clarity, His light will shine through.