I was sitting across from my very good Asian friend-the same one who led the house church I worked with 2 years ago. But we weren’t on a college campus. Graduating in June very near the top of her class, she took a job with Texas Instrument, thrusting her into an intense year of “on the job training” in various parts of Asia and the States. I surprisingly had the sudden opportunity to visit her for an afternoon in her new city of residence. We had barely sat down to lunch when she started pouring out her heart.
“Do you ever have that kind of moment when you realize the harvest is so great, but the laborers are few? That’s how I feel here at my new job.” Already she’s started sharing her beliefs with co-workers, even taking them to a nearby church she’s found. Mainly only experiencing the atmosphere of a house church up until this point, she now attends a 300+ person church with a praise and worship “band.” She marvels at the Presence of the Lord in their midst when they abandon themselves in worship. The co-workers she’s brought with her have also remarked about the times of worship.
This last year some of my first fruits from ministry in Asia graduated on to the workforce, leaving the campuses behind. As I’ve heard back from each one, the story has been the same: the Gospel is spreading!
Can we do it? Can we change a nation? My prayer is that we would continue to faithfully labor by the power of the Holy Spirit in this field that is white for the harvest and that we’d be led by the Holy Spirit to the people He’s also called to labor alongside us. Please stand with me in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to lead us to these world changers. My friend is asking God to bring two other people to collaborate as a leadership team to start this new church at her workplace. Let’s co-labor with her in asking Him to send those other mature believers her way!
All for Him,