One of our interns, Eragon, is doing a great job, and I decided it’s time to brag on him. He and his wife got married in August and are preparing to go to Asia. Raising monthly financial support is a major component of their preparation.

A couple weeks ago while they were on a support raising trip, I met with Eragon on Skype. He excitedly told me they were almost fully funded! God has blessed them a lot in the process, and they have put in the work as well to meet with people and share their vision. While they still need to do some part-time work to get 100% funded, they can now transition to focusing on other aspects of their preparation and helping in our home office. Really cool!

Things are moving more slowly for our other intern in the support raising department. Please pray for him! We want to see him go to Asia soon!

God has been doing great things through the new short-term team that went to Asia in August, as well as the long-term team that was already there. I’ve heard reports that 25 people (probably more now) have decided to trust Jesus since they arrived. Wow! I’ve also heard they’ve faced some spiritual attack as well, so let’s fight with them!

I’ve been home from my recent trip to Asia for a month now. The business paperwork is still in process; hopefully it can be sold before too long.

We appreciate your prayers so much! Thank you for standing with us!