It is truly a crazy feeling to be overwhelmed by the goodness of His actions. So much has happened these last few weeks and I have a few things I know you will love reading! For starters, yesterday was the first official service of our campus plant. We had a decent group show up but many brothers and sisters couldn’t make it because they are very busy – sadly, some of them will be busy on a weekly basis. So I would ask you to please pray for that – I really desire a place and time we can all go that is safe and works for everyone. This is the first step to the start of a movement we all dream about, and all things are possible.

Last week I did something that I never had done before and it changed my life forever. I had the privilege of baptizing two of our most faithful new brothers. The first brother was a learning experience for me, the kiddie pool wasn’t quite as large as him so I had difficulties getting him “fully immersed”… Thankfully he has quite an awesome personality and we had much joy and laughter come from the situation! Both brothers were so passionate about their decision to be baptized. I love seeing that passion which I hope to one day measure up to. The second guy I baptized was so filled with awesomeness after we were done. We talked about the new house church with him and he was very excited – he has a major role there. Our brother told me he is so sure that he is the “bridge” that will provide a way for many people to discover the Only Way.

I need energy and a deep breath to keep going. We had a visa run out of the country earlier this week that involved an entire day of traveling by plane and buses. It was necessary and I was able to see some really neat sights, but overall it killed my energy level. So lift me up, give me strength for tomorrow, for I know I’m gonna need it!

Pray for me often and I will hopefully bring more news of fruit in this next month!