I sat in Thailand listening to stories of all that God has done in Asia since the new wave of workers came over in August. Joy filled my heart as Lala and Momo, the two girls from Mexico, shared how Dad has used them to share His love with one of their friends.
“I felt like Godwanted me to blow on her,” Lala shared. “And it was crazy because I felt like God wanted me to touch her lips,” Momo chimed in. “And so we both did. And then God’s presence overwhelmed our friend and she started praying in a new language!”
I remember last year in March when I called Lala and asked her if she would consider coming to Asia. Now almost a year later and I am hearing stories of how God is using her to transform the lives of Asian university students! It is amazing the rippling impact of our actions. Your support and prayers led to me being in Asia, to contacting Lala, she then invited Momo to join her in Asia, they were able to bring the love of God, an Asian girl’s life was transformed.
Thank you for continuing to let God turn your prayers and support into ripples of His love that are impacting the universities in Asia.
Things to thank God for:
- Safe travels from the States and a quick recovery from jet lag
- We had an incredible retreat in Thailand
Things to ask God for:
- Safe travels as I head into Asia
- Healing from a cold that’s coming on
- Personal revival and revelation from God