University students from all over the Northeast gathered in Rochester this weekend to encounter Jesus at a conference. I approached a cluster of students who were hanging out in the lobby. “I have a challenge for you…” I proposed with a questioning glance. They nodded. “I challenge you to stick these stickers on as many people as you can before the session starts.” They accepted.
What started as a challenge to promote an informational meeting about Campus Target turned into a conversation about school, missions, and life passions. I then gave them a different challenge… “Would you consider going to Asia?”
After the session that night, one of the girls, Jessica, came back up to me. “I think I’m supposed to go to Asia. I was praying and asking God about my future and all of a sudden I just saw a map of Asia!”
The next day, we had lunch with Jessica and 17 other young people who are considering giving a year of their lives to see Asia transformed with the love of Christ. Hearts are being stirred and laborers are being raised up. The next wave of workers are making the decision, filling out the application and preparing for a year that will change everything.