God is continuing to expand his kingdom through us while we are here and lives are being changed. Just tonight we had some girls over and we all got to sing English and Asian songs to God together in our apartment. The Holy Spirit was definitely here and active in our hearts.

One cool story I want to share with you happened a couple weeks ago; back in April, someone spoke over me that I would make an impact in someone’s life and that interesting socks would be involved. I was extremely curious as to what that meant but all to quickly I forgot about it until recently. While we were on a trip away from the city, we got to love on an American family who has been serving here for about 10 years. I received a word from Dad to give to the family to encourage them and pray over them. They were extremely blessed and the word I had given them really touched their hearts and impacted them.

During this time of fellowship, I had a walk with God and got my shoes and socks wet in a river. I came back and the wife of the family gave me some fun socks to keep my feet warm and get out of my soaked socks. It was then I remembered the word that was spoken over me in April and I knew God was speaking to me the power of that moment.

I shared with the family what had happened and we were all in awe of the wonders of Dad and his divine planning. I still have those socks in my drawer and I continue to pray for that family. Their testimony of faithfulness and surrender will continue to impact me and my walk as well as I look at my own life in the view of God. Life is so short but we can carry an echo into eternity that will last forever!