Wowzers! Walking out of the airport I was completely overwhelmed by wave after wave of emotions. After putting all that I had into seeing this year’s Campus Target team reach Asia, I had just waved the last worker through security at the Rochester airport. The final push to get them there involved crazy things I hope you never see– like a 4ft x 6ft white board covered in to-do’s, and weeks on end where 6 hours of sleep was “awesome!”
But now there are 35 missionaries in Asia! Living 4 different cities, with 13 people focused on becoming fluent this year in the language so they can reach people in their heart language. I was able to help them make it, and it was all so worth it!
This weekend I get to travel with my Mom and sister to meet my brand-new nephew, Miles Dylan! He was born just two days before training started. I’m praying that this weekend away will help to finalize recovery and closure for me at the end of the busy summer and training.
Then it’s right into support raising for me! You may not know that in order to see Campus Target succeed this summer I set aside my personal support raising until the teams left the country. Now I need to work hard to about triple my current monthly support in order to be financially healthy living here in America. It’s a big goal, but I feel completely peaceful that with God as my provider (literally), the way to reaching the end is prepared for me.
Some highlights of TrainingCamp ’10:
The pre-Training RETREAT: Turns out after weeks on end of pushing myself, I needed a little down time to relax with 35 of my most-wonderful co-workers and friends. This was a special retreat for only those who have committed to at least 3 years of working with Campus Target, which allowed for powerful times of re-focusing on our mission.
Getting to Teach: I had the privilege of teach a session on Flexibility (no, not like yoga), to the new incoming workers. I shared with them about making a choice in advance of hard situations to trust people and God, and remain flexible. I had a lot of great feedback, and I really feel like it upped my confidence to speak more in the future.
Building Closer Relationships: In an organization that’s constantly growing, changing, and lives around the world, it can be tough to feel like you really know everyone. So in the midst of managing training I tried to purposely build closer friendships with people that I didn’t know that well. It was so rewarding becoming good friends with them!
Right Now in Asia:
Currently about 60% of the team in Asia has their apartments. On Monday the newest city team, H-town, is starting full-time University language study. So it is especially pressing for them to find good housing fast. Please keep them and K-town teams in your prayers, as neither of them have any apartments yet.