It was 11pm when my phone vibrated on the windowsill with a text message. I dragged my half-sleeping body out of bed to make sure no one was hurt or lost. No injuries or missing persons this time.
“1 of the family meetings wants 2 meet at ur place tomorrow.”
“Sweet, we'd love to help the underground church,” I thought. And I read on.
“And they want u 2 speak.”
A twang of anxiety tried to cut in until I quickly remembered that God would give me the words I needed. I texted back a positive reply and hit the sack.
The next morning I woke up and prepared a simple message from Gideon's battle for this college student fellowship – “A little bit plus God is better than a lot.” I spoke to the obsession with education and money that often becomes an idol in the lives of believers here. I had 10 college students (8 of whom have been saved or discipled primarily through the CT ministry) fixed on every word I spoke. Afterwards there were spontaneous prayers of repentance and times of new commitment. Others told me how the simple message was something they'd always remember or they would teach it to some believers they were discipling the next day.
I don't always get the preparation or organization here that allows me to feel comfortable in my ministry. But God somehow has this way of coming through most powerfully whenever His path makes me the most uncomfortable. Oh yeah, “It's not by might nor by power, but by His Spirit.” Sometimes I forget.