In 2010 a young man named Enoch joined Campus Target. Fresh out of Bible school, he had a deep passion for breakdancing and the hip-hop community, and he wanted to reach these people on the campuses in Asia.

I didn’t even realize there were groups like this in Asia, but sure enough, Enoch found them within weeks of arriving. Over the years he committed himself to learning the language and serving long-term in Campus Target. Enoch built relationships with many of the leaders in the hip-hop community, not just in his city, but all over our country in Asia.

However, progress was slow. Over the years a few of Enoch’s friends decided to follow Jesus, but it wasn’t the breakthrough he prayed for week-in and week-out.

Then in April, he was invited to a gathering of the top breakdancers in Asia. The meeting was being led by an Asian pastor from another country, and Enoch was shocked to hear this pastor had already led all of them to the Lord!

But that wasn’t all. This is from Enoch’s most recent email update:

‘The pastor stood up and said to them, “Enoch is your pastor now; you must follow him.” It was overwhelming. I heard the Lord say to me, “You asked me to save them but I already did. I ask you to disciple them.” All these people, after 7 years, are now given to me. I have the understanding of the native language to lead them now. These last 3 months have been incredible. We meet every week and they are growing. God did it!’

Enoch is now in a position to help these new and incredibly influential breakdancers grow in their relationship with Jesus, and he is seeing his heart’s desire for this community come to fruition in one of the most dramatic ways I’ve seen in 11 years of work with Campus Target.