For the past three or four days, I have been trying to wrap my mind around the book of Daniel, chapter 10. In this chapter, Daniel receives a revelation of a great war that is to come. In response to this vision, Daniel spent three weeks fasting and praying to God. After three weeks, he still had not received any answer from God concerning the revelation. Finally, an angel of God appears to Daniel and says, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them” (v. 12). The angel goes on to describe a battle which prevented him from coming sooner. To help him fight the battle, he needed to send for another angel, Michael, the reason for the long delay before his response.
We live in a world in which a spiritual battle is constantly being fought (Eph. 6:12). It is easy to pray, and when we don’t receive an answer as quick as we would like, we assume that God is silent or refusing to listen. I’m beginning to learn that He isn’t being silent, instead God and His angels are constantly fighting on our behalf. In his vision, Daniel hears the angel say “Since the first day…your words were heard”. The reason it took so long for Daniel to receive a response is because we live in a world at war. God isn’t slow to respond! He knows the cries of our hearts, and as our Father, it is His desire to fight on our behalf.
Today was one of the most beautiful days that I have seen in G-town. The sun was brightly shining; the smell of fresh cut grass was in the air. As I walked around on the campus, I was reminded of all that God has done in the past 7 months. I’ve seen growth, changes in perspectives, transformations, healings, salvations. And, this is just the beginning! I look at my own life and I see how God has been at work on my heart since the day I have arrived. He has brought me healing that I never dreamed possible. He has set me free from lies of my past and chains that were holding me down. He has been fighting for me, for this campus, this city, and this nation. He has heard our prayers since we first cried out to Him. He and His angels are fighting on our behalf and I’m gonna keep on fighting alongside Him.
With that being said, I am asking everyone back at home to fight along with us. I have a huge prayer request. My friend Herbert has asked us to lift up his best friend’s girlfriend, MaiLing. She is a student at the university and is currently in the hospital with leukemia. As of right now, if she is able to have surgery, the doctors are giving her a 10% chance of survival. The surgery will cost more money than we could even imagine. Her family has no money to give. There still isn’t any bone marrow match. Even so, we are believing for the impossible! Today, Herbert told us that Mailing passed Phase 1 of her pre-surgery exam. The doctors didn’t think she would make it this far! Praise God! Also, we were told that the students of my campus have been fundraising to help cover the costs of the surgery. As of today, they have raised 200,000 yuan (about $29,000 USD)! Let’s believe that God is setting Mailing up for a miracle! Please join us in praying for her complete healing, financial provision, and most importantly, her salvation.
Thanks for your prayers,